Trip Report: April 29, 2022. Quick Trip To The Federal Breakwall
By Jeff Luzod
Customer Service/E-Commerce Support
Last week, Friday April 29th we headed out of San Pedro on Steve Oropeza’s boat with Andy Endo to fish the West End of the Federal Breakwall to get in on some bass action. Fished the incoming high tide (9:30am) from 6:30am-7:45am. The water temps were 57-58 degrees. After several weeks of red tide there were no signs of red tide, the water was blue and clear.
Nice Sand Bass landed with the, LN-651 Promesh Series Landing Net
First stop was inside the breakwall, found no biters and after about 20 minutes we headed to the outside near LA Light house. On my first cast, I was fishing a 5 inch swimbait on a 1 oz. weedless swimbait head. I casted it parallel to the kelp line and let it sink. Towards the bottom got a decent hit and it turned out to be a decent sand bass. We brought it on board using the LN-651 Promesh Series Landing Net. After this first fish, we worked our way south. Andy caught a few on a tube style swim bait while Steve fished a 4 inch swimbait and caught a couple. Overall we caught about 8 mixed bass throughout the water column between the three of us. Not bad in less than 2 hours of fishing.
Here's a quick video i made of footage i got from the trip (posted on instagram):