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We are here to answer all your questions regardless if you're ready to buy, still deciding, need help or already own. Feel free to reach out to us if you don't see your question here! We are always adding more to this page.

How can we help?


Online Ordering

Can I cancel my order?

We completely get it, we change our minds too! We do offer the ability to cancel orders but we move fast! So make sure to reach out as soon as you decide to change your mind. We often get orders packed, labeled, and shipped same day.

Should the item(s) not work out, make sure to exchange for a preferred style or return for a refund. As a reminder, return shipping is not free.

How do returns work?

You can return your items if ordered through our website within a 30 day window time frame.

If you ordered your item from another online retailer or physical store you must go through them first to handle all returns.

The return policy is located on our website footer and goes over all the details on returns.

As a friendly reminder, the amount refunded from your return is your order total with the exception of original shipping costs.

Why is your shipping so expensive?

So many of our items are oversized and larger packages which incur a higher cost for shipping. That being said, we do have generalized shipping for our products on our website. If you'd like a quote for your item to you specific please feel free to call in and request one! Please keep in mind that while often shipping may come out a little lower it isn't usually a large change and sometimes will come out more expensive than what is shown on our sites pre-built pricing.

Where can I find your products?

We are in so many tackle shops across the US and even in some internationally. Please check out our "Find a Dealer" page to find the one closest to you!

If you are a vendor looking for yourself on our locator please contact us to get listed.

If you don't find a store near you call us and we can help!

How do I pick the right replacement netting for my landing net?

Grab a ruler or tape measurer and find the width of the frame and the length from top to bottom. before reaching the yoke. The outer part of the metal frame is going to be where you want to measure from.

Crabbing & Lobster

What size Ambush Hoop Net should I buy?

There is a time and place for each hoop net.

If you're fishing shallow waters with little to no current we recommend the NE-107 & NE-107XL.

Deeper waters with a little current? NE-107XL & NE-107XLH.

Deep deep waters with strong current? NE-107XLH & NE-107XLHD.

If you're commercial we recommend using the NE-107XLHD.

At the end of the day fish what you're comfortable with and remember to think about pulling if you don't have a puller. (friend or machine!)

Where can I use Ambush Hoops?


We always recommend you call and check directly with your local department of fish and game. We aren't the authority in the matter...sadly.

What length rope should I use?

The length will depend on what and where you're fishing. You want something that will allow a range of depths without having too much slack when going shallower.

We recommend you stay in increments of 50ft. If you're planning to stay shallow between 30-70ft we would recommend 100ft total which allows you to have some extra length if you want to explore new depths. You can keep it all organized using zip ties shortening and letting some loose depending on the zone.

Do I need to use lead core rope?

Not unless you want to! Lead core helps your hoop or trap from skipping or walking. It also allows for your line to stay vertical straight up and down while in the water so it will drift less and not float to the surface if loose.

Typically, in deeper depths and heavier traps you want to use lead core rope.

My bridle float looks a little crushed?

That's totally normal! It still functions the same, the only difference is now it looks like a raisin. That is due to the pressure being encountered in those deeper depths. It doesn't affect the function of the float and will not hinder your ability to trap your catch!

Ikara Jigs

What's your best-selling Ikara color?

Well...personally I think the Psycho Mackerel is a really nice color.

But in reality just match the hatch! Find what's the common bait that's being eaten there and match it to what we offer. All of the deeper depths the light barely shines through so the glow belly's and tinsel help a lot to refract and create light.

What size should I get?

Well it's all going to depend on the current, depth, target species, and area.

We've fished the 21g & 28g with little to no current in depths up to 50ft.

The 40g-60g on depth from 50-80ft depending on the current alternating between the two. But we have also used those on lesser depths to attract larger fish in the area.

The 60g-80g are used in depths from 80-120ft also depending on the current and drift speed.

Now...the harder part is when you're targeting those tuna that are keying into those smaller baits. Where we see anything from 28g-40g being usable there.

All this to say you're going to need a variety depending on the target species, depth, and current. But if you're only fishing certain depths and specific species then these will work really well based on our recommendations.

What are the lengths of the jigs?

21g - 2"
28g - 2.25"
40g - 2.5"
60g - 3"
80g - 3.25"


What size hook do I get?

3" is the most common and wildly used gaff hook size by far. It's large enough if you encounter a bigger grade fish and still small enough to not damage the meat too greatly on a 'smaller' large fish.

2" is if you're commercial fishing, you want the least amount of potential to damage that meat. Whenver you're trying to avoid gut hooking or the bloodline. You better be skilled and precise while using this since it's far less forgiving!

4" is going to be your larger big grade tuna and marlin. You have that thing wide open for fish with much larger bodies where a 2" or 3" wouldn't work. It's for the big boys, but don't worry it can also be used with smaller fish...just be careful.

What length?

The correct answer is all sizes.

We usually recommend that you keep 2 gaffs on board. The beauty of fishing is that you never know what you're going to catch, so you want to be prepared.

You're going to want one longer gaff and one shorter. If you're able to bring the fish in close and you have shorter railing something like a 4ft or 6ft is going to work for you perfectly fine. But when those fish are sitting deeper and don't want to come up close, you're going to want that 8ft gaff to reach further down and further out.

If you have a smaller boat grab the 6ft gaff and later down the line grab the 4ft as a secondary gaff.

If you have a larger boat grab the 6ft gaff and later down the line grab the 8ft gaff.

Now if you can grab both at the same time then do so but if you need to split the purchases then we recommend purchasing in that order.

Now for kayakers we do recommend a 3ft gaff to be the largest you go. It's only going to make it more difficult the larger you go. Even a 2ft like out Elite series is going to be perfect for you and allow you to safely gaff the fish without straining yourself. Make sure you grab a floating gaff!

If you have any specific needs feel free to reach out and one of our team members would be more than happy to assist you.

What gaff should I get?

There is no right or wrong answer here. You're going to want to grab what fits your budget and your needs.

If you are limited on space whether on a small skiff, kayak or jetski then our Telescopic Gaffs are a great option. They are rugged, float and are strong enough to handle a wide variety of species. Wouldn't be your best option for large tuna or bigger game fish but for the halibut, salmon, stripers and more it's perfect.

If you are looking for something light, strong, dependable and one piece then the Premier Series Gaffs are a great option. We have them available in 2'. 3'. 4', and now 6'. They are cost friendly and well built. Made out of a lightweight aluminum and will handle most fish even into larger grade fish. They are a rigid design with little to no flex so you're going to want to be more careful when gaffing and use proper gaffing techniques.

Our Elite series is...well Elite. It has a gorgeous design and look. Made of premium carbon fiber will surely handle most anything you throw at it. Has limited flex but enough to be forgiving if used incorrectly every now and then. This gaff comes with the option to pick from multiple size gaff hooks ranging from 2". 3" and 4".

What is the proper gaffing technique?

While it depends on the situation and the fish it will likely always be hook facing down, pulling towards yourself and upward. When you successfully hook the fish, you will pull towards you like if pulling on a rope. You don't want to "pitchfork" the fish over the rail you want to pull it in. As soon as the fish is over the railing you can safely remove the gaff from the fish and store upright in a rod holder so that it can't move. At this point you can attach the rubber point protector and tend to your catch!

Never keep a gaff upside down where the hook is facing upward even if in your hands. Someone can lose their footing and trip and puncture their foot or another extremity. It's all about safety!

How do I maintain the gaff life?

Simple answer is clean it with fresh water after every use and allow it to air dry. Store it away from direct sunlight to protect the materials from sun rotting.

Every few trips you want to check the gaff tip and make sure it's still sharp. If it needs to be sharpened, you can do so yourself using a sharpening stone or grinder. If you're not comfortable doing so, take it to a professional or local tackle shop.

Retail Purchases

My product is missing a piece?

This is a more generalized question we get often about products ranging from minnow traps to gaffs. If you're missing a small piece to the item such as a clip or rubber gaff cover email us. We will get you a replacement piece sent over to you.

All you need is proof of purchase and have the purchase be within a month old to qualify for the replacement part. We will ask for the receipt!

Get in touch

Didn't answer your question? No fear! Send us a message and we will get back to you as fast as possible.